Versatility made FORMA 30 COMBI the obvious choice

“-I knew exactly what I needed and there was just one obvious choice – a CIDAN folder and shear.”
Clancy Gower, Integrated Image

Integrated image och FORMA 30 Kombi

ntegrated Image is a company working with consultancy as well as design and manufacturing for branding and signage. The company has around 400 employees and 19 sales offices across the US and Canada. The production facility is located in Montgomeryville, PA with a staff of around 40.

Combi beam is like dream

Clancy Gower, workshop manager, joined the company in 2019 when Integrated Image was setting up the production facility. He had previously worked with signage in another company where the old power folder, with a manually operated combi beam, had been replaced with a new CIDAN with automatic combi beam. “-It was like a dream,” Clancy says, “so when we wanted new machines for the workshop here at Integrated Image I knew exactly what I needed.”

One machine – many features

“-My contribution was to go for the FORMA 30 Combi and to add segmented tools in all beams and a height adjustable back gauge. And that was no mistake! We don’t use these options every day, but when we do, they’re very handy to have,” continues Clancy.

He’s also very pleased with the Rapido 30 shear. “-With the sheets delivered to the front and the Rapido 30 standing against the wall, we got a lot more free space in the workshop.”

How did the installation go?

“-Smoothly, we were up and running in practically no time. Service from CIDAN is excellent. We’ve only had one minor problem with a sensor that CIDAN solved immediately, that’s all.”

What were your main reasons for choosing machines from CIDAN?

“-If I choose the two most significant: very versatile machines and top notch service and technical support!”