Ramseyer & Dilger rely on Thalmanns´s double folder!
One of the most traditional Swiss tinsmith companies – Ramseyer und Dilger AG – announces several news these days and of course this has several reasons. Anyone who asks the federally certified master plumber Remo Wyss (Managing Director of Ramseyer and Dilger AG) will learn a lot about his company philosophy and his associated self-image around setting the course for the future of his business. In contrast, his comparison between world-famous Swiss herbal sweets and a recently acquired folding machine from Thalmann or his attitude in dealing with complicated architect’s requests are quite pragmatic.

Bara de som älskar sitt arbete gör det bra. Företagets hemsida visar att Ramseyer & Dilger har tagit denna gamla hantverkarregel till sitt hjärta, och att det kommer fortsätta att vara ledstjärnan i framtiden.
REMO WYSS: Yes, that is so. Moreover, building should be a pleasure for our customers and for ourselves. We are only satisfied when our customers receive a flawless result and recommend us to others.
What sets Ramseyer and Dilger apart from other companies?
REMO WYSS: Over time, we have earned the reputation of a specialist. So if it is a rather special project where the technical challenges and craftsmanship requirements are very high, we are more and more often requested and are active throughout Switzerland. Architects now often call us in as early as the planning phase. That is my favorite thing of all. Therefore, we see ourselves not only as an executing craftsman, but also as a partner for planners, general contractors and architects. For some projects and requests, however, it is better to say “no” quite firmly.
Why say “no” when it’s worth it?
REMO WYSS: If a project cannot be implemented as planned in terms of technology, craftsmanship, costs and time, or if the project involves incalculable and unforeseeable risks, we simply leave it alone. We won’t get involved in anything. Of course, we also have to and want to earn money – but not at any price. Therefore, such projects are not worthwhile for us in any respect.
För några månader sedan bestämde du dig för att köpa en TD dubbelbockare från THALMANN. Vad fick dig att göra denna investering?
REMO WYSS: My father already worked with Thalmann folding machines in the early 80s. We belong to the Thalmann customers of the first hour. I had the TD double folder in the back of my mind for a long time. And because we are always moving forward and responding to customer needs and market impulses, the time was now ripe for this investment.
What does a typical customer need and typical market impulse look like?
REMO WYSS: The highest and most consistent quality standards are required, especially for large, complex and demanding project buildings. In addition, maximum flexibility, speed, precision and profile diversity are required. We can now serve all these needs and requirements even better thanks to the TD double folder from THALMANN. We are also very satisfied with the ease of use of the machine and excellent service quality. They do their work and machines so well because they love their work. I personally also associate THALMANN with a few values and associations attributed to a world-famous Swiss herb sugar: Consistent, yellow, best quality and useful range extensions.
Congratulations also on the company’s 125th anniversary. Are you celebrating?
REMO WYSS: Thank you very much. We will even celebrate really big and have come up with a lot. “WE ROCK THAT,” is our anniversary motto. But I don’t want to give too much away at this point, as one or two surprises await our guests.