11-12 September 2019, St. Pölten in Österreich
Fast 80 Kunden erschienen bei Metaflex in St. Pölten, der Entwicklungsstätte von nuIT und der vollautomatischen Zuschnitt- und Biegemaschine “The Base”.
Nearly 80 customers and retailers came to the Metaflex facility in St. Pölten, Austria to see nuIT, The BASE (Bending and Slitting Engine) and upgraded innovations in effective collaboration. In total, more than 500 profiles worth SEK 130,000 were produced during the show, which lasted for 8 hours. The BASE and nuIT impressed the participants greatly, even though the production rate could have been increased by almost 50%. Many people liked the mix of machines and especially appreciated being able to see the planning tool nuIT in operation and what it really is capable of. “I am impressed seeing CIDAN take the industry to the next level,” was one of the comments.
Thank you to everyone who was there and made the event so successful! We at CIDAN Machinery are already looking forward to the next Open House in St. Pölten in March 2020.