Unlock Precision and Efficiency with CIDAN’s nuSlit – Your Key to Streamlined Metal Slitting

What Questions Should You Ask When Considering the Purchase of a Slitter?

Straightening is a function to remove the “Coil Set.” When metal is wrapped in a coil, over time, the material can often still have some “memory” of being wrapped in a coil and have a curve to it. Machines with straightening have a set of rollers that remove this coil set, allowing for blanks that lay flat without this curve.

When straitening soft materials, opting for a slitter with CNC straightening rollers or “Sensitive Material Mode” is recommended. With CNC-controlled rollers, the rollers are automatically raised anytime the machine stops. This prevents dwell marks in the material. A great analogy is a steam roller on a newly paved asphalt road. A steam roller should never stop on the new, hot asphalt. Doing so would leave marks on the pavement!

This will, of course, vary based on a customer’s business. Most machines can have one to as many as nine knives. Typically, you want to find a balance.

      • Too few knives many not make as many slits as you need.
      • Too many knives reduce the slitting capacity of the machines and make the machine ‘crowded’. Whether the machine has manual or CNC knives, knives need to be moved when changing slits and could waste time.

A slitter with CNC knives is a much greater investment than manual knives. In terms of the finished product, both machines will offer the same high-quality finished product. In terms of speed, a CNC machine will likely be faster than a novice operator. However, an experienced operator can change knives faster, if not quicker, than a CNC machine.

  • CNC slitters can often be over double the price of a machine with manual knives.
  • Software: You are not using a software system that will automatically calculate coil usage and slits that will automatically send the job information to the slitter.
  • Volume: If the machine is not operating constantly for a full shift, the ROI will be much longer to justify

  • You plan to get into automation with your software and machines. Additional options like label/barcode printers and step cutting enable your entire factory to be streamlined.
  • Safety: While manual-knife machines are safe, the hands-off operation of CNC machines, except loading coil and picking up the finished cut blanks, provides an added layer of security for your operators.Errors: Computers don’t make mistakes. (However, if the operator enters the wrong information into the machine, a mistake is still possible!)

  • Speed
  • Straightening
  • Step cutting
  • Label printer
  • Outfeed conveyor
  • Coil farm

Since stainless steel is a harder material than mild steel, a machine’s capacity will decrease. If processing more than about 25% stainless steel, HVC Hardchrome on straightening rollers is recommended to extend the life of the rollers.

Ready to Transform Your Production? Contact Us Today to Learn How nuSlit Can Elevate Your Business!
Telephone:  770-692-7230  email sales-us@cidanmachinery.com