CIDAN is crossing the North Sea ourselves to bring our vast experience and our Swedish innovation and state of the art technology first hand to the UK.
Our highest quality Swedish CIDAN and Austrian FORSTNER machines have been sold through dealers in the UK since 1950 and now we are proud to be opening CIDAN Machinery UK on 10 September in London.
We are very proud and excited about being closer to all our current and new customers in the UK.
If you are interested in becoming one of our first reference sites, we will offer very favorable terms, from finance, transportation, installation, training, and service without worries.
Read more or Contact Lars Olander +44 (0)7869 025 134 or
If you are already using our machines, don’t hesitate to contact us for service, for CIDAN, FORSTNER and Göteneds machines!
Lars Olander – your CIDAN Machinery UK contact