ARE YOU READY? It should be easy to become successful and professional and we can…
Short delivery time!
Save time, money and nerves: We guarantee short delivery times for the innovative FORSTNER straightening,…
Swedish CIDAN Machinery Group AB has acquired long folder producer Thalmann Maschinenbau based in Switzerland.
Download pictures and press release here Swedish CIDAN Machinery Group AB has acquired long folder…
XSPACE – More space, more profiles
CIDAN XSPACE gives you far greater freedom to design and fold your profiles. XSPACE is…
We can now bend conical parts!
CIDAN FLEXIBLE is our new back gauge that is now available with angled gauge positioning…
Improved quality and productivity with FX PLUS power folder
It was a real game changer for Malvern Boilers Ltd when they invested in a…
CIDAN is coming to the UK with an offer.
CIDAN is crossing the North Sea ourselves to bring our vast experience and our Swedish…
GulfCrafts in Qatar invest in two new machines from CIDAN Machinery!
GulfCrafts in Qatar invest in two new machines from CIDAN Machinery! The Doha-based company is…
Westmetall in Sweden – now expanding with an industrial CTL-line from CIDAN Group!
Westmetall in Hisingsbacka, Sweden, wholesale of sheet metal, is now expanding with an industrial CTL-line…
Grand Line in Russia – takes the next step!
Grand Line in Russia takes the next step in improving output and quality with seven…
Upgrade your old machine with a new control system
Control system upgrade For some time it has been difficult to offer components for some…